The Human Experience, a series of recent figure sketches and paintings in oil on canvas and panel by Kendric Tonn, American contemporary realist artist, will be on display beginning May 1, 2016. It has been written of his work,
The human experience has always been at the center of his Tonn’s work. Enduring human concerns, themes, and stories, are what drives his paintings, and central to that, the most universal of all subjects, the human figure. His paintings, whatever subject they may have, depict individual people, exposed to universal feelings.
The Myth of Daedalus and Icarus, a series of recent color field works of acrylic on canvas by Charles Bluett, English entrepreneur turned contemporary abstract artist, will be on display from March 1, 2016 to August 1, 2016. It has been written of his work,
Charlie Bluett's vivid color field works show an intense ethereal beauty, use of space, surface, texture, and color. They demand of the viewer a moment of their time, allowing their minds to wander amongst the fine spatial sensibility and color inflection that lies before them. His works bring to mind a combination of the passionate elements familiar in Rothko's collective bands of rhythmic colour and Vicente's movement through color forms that appear within the canvas and Bacon's surface blends of colour, and yet they maintain through his unique creative process, a complete and resounding self-expression.
Nyx Gallery is honored to partner with Nexus iR&D Laboratory to provide artwork, video installation, entertainment, and technology for the Alpha.Nexus event series. The inaugural Alpha.Nexus was held at Le Laboratoire in Cambridge, MA on the evening of May 24, 2016. On exhibition then was "150 Milliseconds" by Random International.
Four pieces from our catalogue can be seen in Artist Mark Dion's newest installation "The Trouble with Jellyfish" on view at Le Laboratoire in Cambridge, MA from Sept. 18 to Jan. 2, 2016.